Updated: Festive tropical music for your holiday celebrations!

Hello, Salseros! Guess how you can tell the festive season is here? Yep, when your mailbox starts filling up with holiday tunes! Ready to amp up your playlist for those upcoming parties? Find some gems below, and I’ll keep adding more as they come my way! 

Dec. 6 updateJoyful Sounds of Putumayo’s Global Christmas and Hanukkah Playlists

Enjoy the holiday season with Putumayo’s 11 Christmas and Hanukkah playlists. Putumayo now offers more than 100 playlists and is now one of the fastest growing international music labels on Spotify and Youtube. Featuring hundreds of artists from around the world and classic album recreations like Latin Christmas, Jazz Christmas, and Best of Jazz & Blues Christmas, , these playlists will help you get into the holiday spirit. Check out the lists and listen here.


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“La Protesta Del Lechón” (The Objection of the Pig) – by Fernandito Rentas

Meet the lucky pig that gets a pass from becoming holiday dinner because the lady of the house loves him like a puppy. It’s a fun, feel-good track that’ll have you tapping your feet in no time!


“Soñando Con La Morcilla” (Dreaming with Spanish-style Blood Sausage) – by La Paris All Stars Orchestra

This salsa song might sound a bit morbid in translation, but it’s a hilarious take on a husband’s quest for Christmas dinner ingredients. Spoiler alert: morcilla is on the list, but it’s proving to be quite the challenge to find! 

Interesting fact: the singer is Gerardito Rivas, member of the group NG2, and son of another singer we all know – Jerry Rivas, of the El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico.


“Feliz Navidad” (Merry Christmas) – by Orquesta Fuego, featuring Edwin Lebron

Take a classic like Jose Feliciano’s “Feliz Navidad” and give it a Salsa twist! That’s what arranger Carlos Infante, singer Edwin Lebron, and Orquesta Fuego have done here. Take the time to see the video. The dancers’ names are in the YouTube description.


“En Casa E’ Perin” (At Perin’s house) – by Don Perignon y La Puertoriqueña

Personally, I can’t wait to spend a holiday listening to Don Perignon and La Puertoriqueña, even if not in his house! Although, according to this song, that’s the place to be. This upbeat track is your invitation to enjoy it, even if you can’t make it in person.


These songs have been added to the VidaSalsera.com playlist on Spotify, which you can access from the right, or at the bottom, of this page. Remember to come back, as I’ll be adding more songs in the upcoming days!



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